
The Community Development and Child help Agency (CODECH) is Non-Governmental Organization, non – partisan, non-profit making organization funded by partners and well-wishers. It is run by a Board of Trustees, who oversees an executive management team charged with the day-to-day running of the organization activities. Its’ main objective is to assist the poor and the underprivileged communities in Kenya by giving support on poverty eradication initiatives, FGM advocacy among others. It was founded by Alice Sylvester who has had a clear picture of what lack is from her childhood. Alice has worked with several organizations which offer to support the needy and give hope to the hopeless and thus gaining the experience and expertise. During her working with the different organizations, she held firsthand information and knowledge of the challenges faced by people she met in their quest to living better lives. Having seen the kind of challenges mothers and children face after domestic violence, poverty and the time taken to look for water among other basic needs in the rural areas, it was very clear that it was a such tiresome experience and very difficult task especially for pregnant and HIV/AIDS affected mothers. In Kenya, the provision of healthcare services is far below the expected international standards. The worst hit categories are the low income earners and those living below the poverty line. Their inability to access these services is occasioned by the high costs, poor road infrastructure, high inflation rates, rapidly growing population accompanied by increased demand for healthcare services among others.

Donate to stand with a girl child, our Dignity Gift Pack contains 2packs of Sanitary Towels, Two Bar Soaps and 2panties.


Codech Kenya strongly believes in the fact that every Donor, Well-wisher can be part of the life changing success story for the communities by giving, learning and acting upon the many distress calls in our community.
We are looking for Donors and partners who together we can make the difference.


Through your support we educate, cloth and above all feed a hungry child and family;    through your support
we supply medical equipments to clinics, provide and ensure water    and sanitation facilities are accessible, build
schools and hospitals, inspire and nurse    a young person’s talent among other significant projects.
2. Every donor is assured of proper and professional monitoring and evaluation processes to    ensure water-tight
accountability which fosters sustainability in the long run.
3. We do reports through photos, short stories and reports of every project done.