Water Sanitation & Hygiene

Water is a basic need in life and we need water to survive. Unsafe or contaminated water, sanitation facilities and poor hygiene practices lead to life threatening diseases.
Some remote communities have never even had safe drinking water, latrines, or the knowledge about simple hygiene practices to protect their families from harm.
Codech Kenya provides water, sanitation, and hygiene because they save lives. Few things are more important for protecting public health.
This is how we approach the water and sanitation program:

  • We send teams of engineers, hydrologists, and other water and sanitation specialists to assess needs and create specific solutions for each community.
  • We improve access to safe drinking water through wells, boreholes, spring protection, rainwater harvesting, and other methods as appropriate.
  • We build latrines and hand washing stations while also motivating communities to maximize health benefits by improving their own sanitation facilities.
  • We educate families on hygiene practices that prevent diarrhea disease, including hand washing, safe water collection and storage, and waste disposal.
  • We work alongside community members and provide training and capacity building with the aim of ensuring the transfer of skills and the impact of our work after we leave.

When water access is close to home, women and children no longer have to spend hours a day carrying water. Instead they use their new found time to care for their families, study for school, or earn an income. Latrines also give privacy, offering dignity and security to women and girls in particular.
An improved Water and sanitation facility is direly needed in our community; please partner or and donate to enhance this great activity